Our Primary Medicine Doctors
Each primary care physician has a team that will handle your appointments, emergencies, laboratory tests, and electrocardiograms in order to look after the health of you and your family. Our primary care doctors are on call around-the-clock, every day of the week.
We maintain fluid communication between medical staff members to provide the highest quality service.
If you wish, our doctors will inform your family members about your health condition, advising them about your treatment needs.
Regina Feliu, MD
Primary Physician
Santos Medical Center – Coral Way
Roberto Cowley, ARNP BC
Primary Physician
Santos Medical Center – Coral Way
Sylvia Garcia Landaburo, MD
Primary Physician
Santos Medical Center – Coral Way
Joel Gómez León, ARNP BC
Primary Physician
Santos Medical Center – Coral Way
Marta Porras, APRN
Primary Physician
Santos Medical Center – Miami Lakes
Abraham Alfonso Remigio, MD
Primary Physician
Santos Medical Center – Miami Lakes
Mario Salgado, MD
Primary Physician
Santos Medical Center – Miami Lakes
Leonardo Cruz, ARNP BC
Primary Physician
Santos Medical Center – Coral Way
Alberto Alfonso, ARNP BC
Primary Physician
Santos Medical Center – Homestead